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About us

The Association Pretorese Inc. is a non-profit organization. We were federally incorporated on June 19, 1972. 


Our logo, designed by John Mattioli, was accepted as the official logo in June 1973. 

Our association had successfully achieved its goal of socially promoting their customs and traditions while allowing Canadian culture to develop between its members and the Pretorese community. Along with this, the association was actively involved in many fund-raising activities for the community. This year, along with our annual donation to the Villa Marconi Long Term Care Facility, our goal is to fundraise and donate to the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada. 


We'd like to encourage the Pretorese youth to continue to, or begin to, participate in our events. By doing so, we can preserve our unique cultural heritage for the years to come and together we will make things happen.  



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